
由KCheang著作·被引用22次—Physicalmemoryprotection(PMP)isastandardRISC-Vfeaturethatallowsthefirmwaretospecifyphysicalmemoryregionsandcontrolthememoryaccess ...,PhysicalMemoryProtection(PMP)isanimplementationoftheMPUconcept.Itisusuallyavailableonallembeddedandapplicationcores.Applicationcores ...,RISC-VPhysicalMemoryProtection·PMPCSRs·AddressMatching·LockingandPrivilegeMode·PriorityandMatchingLo...

Verifying RISC

由 K Cheang 著作 · 被引用 22 次 — Physical memory protection (PMP) is a standard RISC-V feature that allows the firmware to specify physical memory regions and control the memory access ...

Memory protection

Physical Memory Protection (PMP) is an implementation of the MPU concept. It is usually available on all embedded and application cores. Application cores ...


RISC-V Physical Memory Protection · PMP CSRs · Address Matching · Locking and Privilege Mode · Priority and Matching Logic · Physical Memory Protection and ...

Physical Memory Protection (PMP)

Physical Memory Protection (PMP) . The Physical Memory Protection (PMP) unit implements region-based memory access checking in-accordance with the RISC-V ...

A Realization of IO Physical Memory Protection for RISC

由 JH Ng 著作 · 2022 · 被引用 1 次 — The RISC-V privileged architecture standard adopts a method called Physical Memory Protection (PMP) to segregate a system's memory into regions with different ...


The implementation of Physical Memory Protection (PMP) is simple than MMU, and the requirement of logic unit in PMP is also less than in MMU, so PMP is more ...

Adding Physical Memory Protection to the VeeR EL2 RISC ...

2024年3月11日 — Physical Memory Protection is a mechanism that divides the system address map into regions with configurable permissions. In the case of RISC-V ...

Initializing the PMP

Physical Memory Protection (PMP) is a part of the RISC-V Privileged Architecture Specification which discribes the interface for a standard RISC-V memory ...